Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How To Get A Head In Baseball

Ex-employees always have some sort of axe to grind. There's a certain joy in talking shit on people that can't fire you anymore, but few take it to the next level by writing a book about it.

If you haven't seen it, THIS article tells you about the unspeakable horrors that went down at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation cryogenic facility where the frozen head of Ted Williams lives.

The dude who wrote this book called "Frozen", which details his experiences as an exec at Alcor, claims that the severed head of Ted "Fucking" Williams was removed from the freezer with a stick and they used old tuna cans to it prop up. Apparently they couldn't get the tuna can off one time and an employee swung at Ted's head with a monkey wrench, missing the can and sending "tiny pieces of frozen head" all over the room.

Somehow, it makes me think of that part in Return to Oz with the crazed woman's hall of interchangeable heads.

Except, more budget and with tuna cans. Good lord.

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